HELping women in the creative industries gain energy, confidence and fulfilment for success without burnout  

The path to meaningful work in a world that needs a new style of leadership 

Creative leadership is needed as never before. But the energy, the commitment and the vision it demands can leave you burnt out, disconnected, and under pressure at home and your work 


Coaching to support you in your challenging, beautiful, demanding life



Is your inner voice telling you that you’re ready for deeper work?

Find out about private coaching, designed for creative leaders and practitioners to build your confidence, your clarity and your impact to help you thrive while doing meaningful work. 

Words to relight your creative fire, right now 

For every ‘crazy creative’ on World Mental Health Day

For every ‘crazy creative’ on World Mental Health Day

This is love for you on World Mental Health Day, if you’re a creative who struggles sometimes. If anyone has ever called you a ‘crazy creative’. ❤️ This is for you if you’ve thought there’s something ‘wrong’. ⛈ This is love if you’ve wondered why your brain seems so...

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A moment to grow in the changing seasons

A moment to grow in the changing seasons

September! Do you love it or hate it? For me, I’ve spent this month pulled oh-so-strongly in different directions. Firstly, after the long school holidays - when I spend as much time as I can with my son - I’m thrilled to have more time back. I’m back to my wonderful...

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7 lessons from a liminal space (or a writing retreat)

7 lessons from a liminal space (or a writing retreat)

Last week I took myself off, all by myself, with nothing but my laptop, notes, and a couple of books. I was in search of a liminal space - a place between worlds, almost, where I could join the dots and create. It turned out to be as much of a footpath: a journey...

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Press love for my words and work

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