Hurrah! Why creative brains need wine and chocolate

Hurrah! Why creative brains need wine and chocolate

You put down your pen and save the file. Then you stand up, stretch, and head for the fridge, the biscuit tin or the wine rack (Don’t you?). If we ask ourselves why, we’ve probably come across the fact that the brain uses up 20% of our energy. So, we...

Why creatives seem complicated, and how to make sense of us

The beliefs about creatives run something like this: Creatives are spontaneous and wild, and led by their passion. Unless they’re not, in which case they’re disciplined and focused, almost monastic in their dedication. They’re sensitive and empathetic. Or possibly...
Bless this work: taking time to remember why we create

Bless this work: taking time to remember why we create

We were about to start recording for my podcast, when my guest paused for a moment. ‘Let our conversation be of service to all those who need it’, he said, and it felt somehow like a blessing, a presence hovering over us. Dozens of interviews later, I still find...

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