Creative Happiness Survey: information for participants

Study Title: Creative people and places: How creativity works in the workplace

You are being invited to consider taking part in a research study on creativity and the workplace led by Dr Alexandra Lamont from Keele University and Joanna Pieters, creative wellbeing expert and coach. Please read the following information carefully and ask if anything is unclear.

The current project is exploring how people working in creative roles and creative industries are supported in their work. We are seeking views from around 200 people working in different occupations and career stages from either creative industries or creative roles. If you agree to take part you will give consent at the start of the survey. No personal identifying data will be gathered, and we will not ask you who your employer is.

The study consists of a short online survey (10 minutes) asking you open-ended questions about your current and past roles at work, what challenges you face and support you receive in your role, and strategies that you find particularly effective. You will also complete standardised scales on life and job satisfaction. This is part of a wider project investigating workplace wellbeing and will provide valuable insights into creativity at work. We do not anticipate any risks of participation.

Your data will be anonymous. It will be stored on password-protected media and destroyed 5 years after publication of the research. It will be shared with the research team. If you choose, you can be quoted by a name of your own choice in publications and presentations.

If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of this research, you may wish, in the first instance, to contact the lead researcher, Dr Alexandra Lamont (01782 733323 or If they cannot address your concerns or you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Chair of the Psychology Research Ethics Committee at or Keele University Research Governance at

If you remain unhappy about the research and/or wish to raise a complaint about any aspect of the way that you have been approached or treated during the course of the study please contact the Research Integrity Team, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Engagement, Keele University (01782 733371 or

Ethical approval reference PS-190019 dated 8/2/19

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