How systems underpin creative businesses

by Joanna Pieters | Follow her on Facebook here

Creative business owners often react against the idea of systems in their work. They fear that it reduces their work to just following instructions. They fear somehow losing whatever it is that makes us want to run their business.

But think of a violinist in an orchestra, or a band member on tour. Think of an actor playing Hamlet. Imagine of a chef recreating her signature dish.

They’re the most creative of professionals, but working within strict limitations. Their means of expression and their tools are strictly defined by systems: the music, the text, the other actors and musicians, the promise to the audience or the restaurant guest.

With that, they can achieve immense joy, inspiration and spiritual fulfilment.

The system becomes the framework for their skill to take off. The musician hears inspiration and magic from the other musicians around, understands completely what the conductor and the composer wants, and responds intuitively and joyfully. The actor feels the shape of the words is so perfect that it lifts his performance to a new level.  The chef understand precisely how to season today’s ingredients to thrill her waiting customers.

Yet the joy comes only from the framework. Where would the violinist be without the other musicians, the music, the conductor? The actor without Shakespeare? The chef without her concept?

Systems mean that we know what we expect of ourselves and the people who work with us. It means we’ve identified the best possible way we can find to do something, so we can concentrate only on doing it as well as we can.

Your energy is your success

The core of the Vitally Productive system is about you putting your energy where it has the greatest impact. And for anyone running creative businesses, that has to be creativity, combined with the discipline of making money.

Systems set us free to succeed. Whether it’s your own time or that of your team, whether it’s a framework for answering customer enquiries, organising events, running your social media, or delivering your services to your clients,  it means that the only thing that matters is how well it can be done.

And achieving excellence is the most fulfilling, joyful task there is.

If you don’t yet know your most effective, natural way to greater success, then take your free Vitally Productive assessment here.


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